Monday, August 25, 2014


I think one of the main things that stuck out to me after class was during the Ted Talk video where Barry mentioned that we have such high expectations for things that we virtually already make ourselves dissatisfied with them. Good example for me, and one I really hate, is when I go to or watch movies with certain people. These certain people always have such high expectations for these movies, that they end up disliking them each and every time. They come out being able to say maybe one or two good things about it, but have a list of about 30 as to why they didn't. Usually, the main dislike with the movie is always "it wasn't what I was expecting". As for myself, and a close friend who is usually with this group of people, just enjoy going to the movies together. It doesn't take a lot for us to enjoy a movie. Granted, we don't like them all, but we never really hate any of them. Why? Because we never go in expecting anything. We go to do stuff with friends and enjoy the time together. So, the movie wasn't that great of a movie, big deal. But you got to spend time with those closest to you. To me, that will always be a good time at the movies in my book. We both usually come from the movies saying "I enjoyed it" and that's usually where we leave it. If we start talking about the things we like, that usually gets them on the tangent as to why they disliked it, and no body likes a downer. I think this scenario works in a variety of ways. This has happened going to sporting events, social gatherings, festivals, etc. Those of us who really had an enjoyable time the whole way through, were those of us who didn't expect anything out of it besides the moments with other people. You really set the tone for the things you do in life, the rest is just the setting.

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