Sunday, October 12, 2014

A bit Chalky

For my senses object, I tried meringue kisses, and I hated them. The taste wasn't bad, but I just really hated the texture, both in my hand and when I ate them.

First off the texture in my mouth resembled mothballs, and yes, I've eaten a mothball. That's why I also can't eat Whopper's candy either. I ate the mothball when I was 10, it ruined certain things for me. `It also had a similar texture in my hand to chalk. I hate the feeling of chalk. Seriously, can't stand it. I would refuse to use the chalk board in school for that reason, or throw a big hissy fit. I'll admit it, I was a pain in the ass. It has a slight baby powder feel, too. It squeaked a little in my mouth as well when I chewed at first. It eventually melts away, but it was a nasty process getting there. If you're into those types of things, it's cool. The texture isn't for everybody.

Now, for what I did with the project, due to the fact it felt like chalk and chewed like mothballs, I decided to say just that. I made homemade chalk with the meringue cookies crushed up and mixed with cornstarch and water. I did it two different ways. Sort of. I mixed the meringue cookies powder, cornstarch and water together, and got a paste. You pour the paste into a round mold of some kind, I used a toilet paper roll lined with wax paper so it wouldn't stick, and let it sit for 24 hours. Also, you can buy meringue cookies in different colors like pink, yellow, purple, etc. I only bought vanilla, so mine were white. To get a colored chalk, all I had to do was mix in some food coloring.

After it dried, I wrote on a cardboard poster painted with a bit of chalk paint "It chews like Mothballs" with my homemade chalk. Next, whenever you make the chalk again, when it's wet and you use it wet, it resembles watercolor to a degree. Not exactly, but a bit. So I did the process one more time, didn't need to bother pouring it into molds or anything and just made a mess - because it tasted and felt like a mess. It came out nice, and smells kind of nice too. I don't know how long it'll last, but I think if you ever tried it and used spray fix or something, it could last. No clue.

Also, since you used all food products for these (if you make them as well) they are biodegradable and can by thrown into the background or compost. If you're into that kind of thing.

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