Sunday, November 23, 2014


My biggest fear in life is failure. I have a really big guard up around myself to make sure I limit my chances of failure. I can't 100% say what caused it, though.

After reading all the definitions of our four choices, I would honestly say it might be a anxiety, but lends itself more towards a phobia. At first, I was pretty sure it was an anxiety. When I read about anxiety it talked about fast heart beats, sweaty palms, head aches, nail biting, gum biting, and in some cases even panic attacks. I've experienced all of those in situations, and sometimes some at the same time. However, after reading about phobia, I think it may be closer to that. Phobia in and of itself is anxiety. So, either which way you slice it, I have anxiety. The reason I believe it to be more of phobia is biggest I learned that in cases of phobia, the person typically does everything they can to avoid the situations or how much it bothers you. Anxieties, from my understanding, only last the length of the time it is happening (example, like they said about the elevator. Anxiety of it happens while you're on the elevator, but goes away after you get off). But for phobia, it can hinder you minutes, hours, even days before, which in my case has happened. If I know I'm going into a situation where I can possibly be considered a failure, it haunts me for days. I can't sleep. I have troubles eating. I usually have headaches leading up to the problem. Then it really kicks in while I'm in the situation. When I know this can happen, I avoid it like the plague. I'll do anything I can to not have to be confronted with the prospect of failure. This includes failure in all it's forms, from career, to jobs, to homework, or even what other people think of me. If someone dislikes me, even though to a point I don't care because I don't know them, it still will make me have anxiety because I consider it a failure in my mind. It usually affects me in school or social situations. Speech class freaked the shit out of me. However, presenting in general freaks me out. I hate having to talk in front of people. It also creates issues with showing my work. The possibility of people seeing my work and then criticizing it bothers me too. I literally one time in high school told my teacher I didn't want to show the class my project and she said "present or take an F." I took the F. On the flip side, everyone can tell me it's the best thing they have ever seen and I would tell myself they're lying as to not hurt my feelings. It's a double edged sword. I usually wont present my stuff or let anyone see it. I wont apply for jobs for the fact of being rejected, which is a failure. I never think what I do is good enough or worth while. On scales of 1 to 10, I will usually rate my own stuff between 1 and 3. I will also usually avoid tasks that will eventually lead me to the possibility of failure. If I'm working on something, I'll usually find something "more appealing" or that I "have to do right now" so that I don't have to finish and have the chances of failure for it as well. I will usually create something and then fall short and know that it's a failure, so that I'm already prepared for it being a failure.

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