Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Always the Bad Guy

First off, one thing that got me thinking was the fact that most people got talkative when people discussed the roles they like to take in games. Some liked being the good guys, others liked being the bad guys, others blurred the lines. If I play video games, I'm usually the bad guy. Not because I think myself as a bad person or living vicariously through a game, but because they always seem to have more fun. The heroes I feel always have restrictions and guides to follow. Their morals, no matter how set in stone they are, are always questionable. They just seem like deep down, they're probably a little miserable and have a little bad guy waiting to crack out. I rarely play video games though, so I'm not authority on what roles in games are actually like. It was just surprising how the talk of a game and issues playing a role got everyone off on their own little tangents.

Next, I was surprised to see how my project got people talking as well. I figured it'd be similar to the other people who spoke about failure. It'd be a few people just giving some sound advice and it'd be done. However, some where along the way people kept chiming in with words of wisdom and I was like "the hell?" Don't get me wrong, I appreciated it, I was just surprised at the response. I wasn't expecting it. I was also a little surprised people liked and what they saw in my project. I personally felt like it was minimal at best. I didn't think much about it, I just did it, and a lot of people saw some underlying themes in it I had no idea were there. They saw the things I didn't see. Just strange how that can work in a room of people that I think don't know me yet by looking at one little project I did seemed to know me a decent amount.


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